
Motivation to Blog!

I was motivated to start a blog because I struggled with navigating perimenopause and menopause. Despite being a natural phase in every woman's life, I was woefully unprepared and lacked essential information. While I acknowledged my part in not seeking out knowledge sooner, I was also disheartened by the inadequate guidance from my doctor and the general silence on the topic. It often felt like my concerns were dismissed as "all in my head," making it easier for others to avoid the conversation. This lack of discourse and support around menopause is a disservice to all women, and it drove me to create a platform where we can openly discuss and share valuable insights, experiences, and advice.

"So, let's talk about it."

"I can support you on your journey with my experience and knowledge, and the best part is that I have your best interest at heart. Knowledge is a powerful tool and can be a great ally when dealing with perimenopause and menopause. I will provide the information, skills, and knowledge I have gained through my journey. Subscribe to my blogs today, and let's start the conversation."


“The Menopause-Hair Connection: Strategies for Preventing and Treating Hair Loss”

“The Menopause-Hair Connection: Strategies for Preventing and Treating Hair Loss”

Understanding Women's Hair Loss: Causes and Solutions

While hair loss is often seen as a problem that mainly affects men, it's crucial to acknowledge that millions of women worldwide also face this issue. For women, hair is deeply connected to their identity, confidence, and self-esteem, making hair loss an emotionally taxing experience. By understanding the causes and exploring effective solutions, we can better empathize with and support women in managing this condition.

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"Healthy Eating Habits for Vibrant Living: A Guide to Nourishing Your Body in Your Menopausal Journey"

"Healthy Eating Habits for Vibrant Living: A Guide to Nourishing Your Body in Your Menopausal Journey"

Fuel your body, boost your energy levels, and prioritize longevity! This should be everyone's motto.

However, many people still need to acknowledge the importance of proper nutrition. In this post, I want to share the significant changes I have made to my approach to nutrition. Instead of following diets, I have shifted my focus towards a more holistic view of my nutritional lifestyle. I focus on fueling my body with “good” carbs, sugars, fats, and fiber. This change resulted in sustainable adjustments that improved my health. I lost 15.4 lbs, 3 points of visceral fat, and 4 inches off my waist; I have more energy, sleep better, and have maintained it.

As we navigate through life, especially during the transition of menopause, the importance of a balanced diet becomes increasingly evident. What we eat plays a significant role in managing menopausal symptoms and enhancing overall health. Understanding the value of "good" carbs, sugars, and fats is crucial in making informed dietary choices that support your body's needs.

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“Stress and Menopause: Strategies to Ease the Transition and Improve Well-Being"

“Stress and Menopause: Strategies to Ease the Transition and Improve Well-Being"

Understanding Stress: How It Can Damage the Body, Signs to Look For, and Strategies to Cope and Heal

In today's fast-paced world, stress has become an almost ubiquitous part of life. Whether it's due to work pressures, personal issues, or daily life's general hustle and bustle, everyone experiences stress at some point. While a bit of stress can be beneficial and help us stay alert and focused, chronic stress can take a significant toll on our physical and mental health. Understanding the impact of stress on the body, recognizing the signs, and knowing how to cope and heal are crucial for maintaining overall well-being.

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“The Art of Happiness: Strategies for Cultivating Joy in Everyday Life"

“The Art of Happiness: Strategies for Cultivating Joy in Everyday Life"

Finding happiness can sometimes seem impossible in our fast-paced world, where stress and negativity lurk around every corner. However, happiness is not bestowed upon us; we must cultivate and practice it daily. By incorporating simple yet powerful habits into our daily lives, we can work towards achieving a sense of lasting joy and contentment.

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"Sweet Harmony: Nourishing Your Nutritional Well-being with Good Sugars"

"Sweet Harmony: Nourishing Your Nutritional Well-being with Good Sugars"

The debate over sugar is one that I, along with everyone I know, have had. We view sugars differently depending on the latest fad or diet of the month. However, after studying this topic for a year and a half, and losing 12.5 lbs., I've realized that consuming good sugars is essential. We must strive to balance our diet with good sugars while eliminating harmful ones.

In this blog post, we'll explore the differences between good and harmful sugars and why some sugars can benefit your health.

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"Healthy Eating Habits for Vibrant Living: A Guide to Nourishing Your Body in Your 50s"

"Healthy Eating Habits for Vibrant Living: A Guide to Nourishing Your Body in Your 50s"

Taking care of your body, boosting your energy levels, and promoting longevity should be everyone’s motto!

However, many people still need to acknowledge the importance of proper nutrition. In this post, I want to share the significant changes I have made to my approach to nutrition. Instead of following diets, I have shifted my focus towards a more holistic view of my nutritional lifestyle. This change resulted in sustainable adjustments that improved my health. I lost 10.2 lbs and 2 points of visceral fat a little over two months after committing to my health.

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“Inflammation, Menopause, and Beyond: Understanding the Complex Connection"

“Inflammation, Menopause, and Beyond: Understanding the Complex Connection"

As we know by now, Menopause is a natural biological process that marks the end of a woman's reproductive years. As women age, their hormone levels, including estrogen and progesterone, decline, leading to physical and emotional changes. One such change is inflammation, a critical factor affecting women's health during this transitional period. In this blog, I will explore the connection between Inflammation and Menopause and understand its impact on women's well-being.

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“Confidently Charting the Waters of Post-Menopause"

“Confidently Charting the Waters of Post-Menopause"

Entering post-menopause is often a significant milestone in a woman's life. While it may bring specific challenges, it's essential to understand that this phase can also be a time of empowerment, growth, and renewed well-being.

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